Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Biblical Welfare System?

     Here's my next question... Is there a biblical basis for a welfare system? Should Christians overlook the political ramifications and go all in for welfare? Is there a Scriptural reason to oppose it? Let's take a look...

     First, let me say that I am not a diehard supporter of the current system. It is filled with holes and is so inconsistently applied that is impractical and frequently abused. In this post, I am defining welfare system, not as the current American welfare system, but as a system in which the wealthier, the stable and well-off, help those who are genuinely in need.
     In Acts, the church is portrayed as practically living communally. No one was selfish, but everyone was generous in helping those in need. The rich land owners were selling their property and giving to the church so that the destitute could be cared for. The body of Christ was setting aside self, not seeking affluence, but rather seeking the good of the body as a whole. The church took care of each other. It wasn't forced or asked, but rather it was with a cheerful heart out of love for the Lord and for others.
     Shouldn't we do the same? Shouldn't we practice the second greatest commandment, to love our neighbor as ourselves? Greed has undoubtedly swept into the church, and a lot of times it disguises itself as politics. "We don't want a welfare system... that's communism" (or socialism, or insert any allusion to the Democratic Party, that's just as bad it seems). But what we are really concerned about is our own comfort. We don't want to give up what we have "worked so hard for" to someone else. We don't love that way anymore. What if we honestly loved those who couldn't provide for themselves or their families? Couldn't we sacrifice a little of our resources to help out?
     So let's wrap it up... Do I like our current system? No. Do I think everyone who applies for welfare should be given benefits? No. But do I think that there is genuine need in this country? Of course. And I believe helping those in need falls well within our mandate as Christians to love those around us. What we have is not ours. We have been blessed by God with everything we have. So why not use it to help someone make ends meet. Who knows, but by the grace of God, that could've been you. I believe Scripture gives us the basis for a well constructed and well regulated welfare system.
     Do you agree? Tell me about it. Let me know why. Do you disagree? Tell me what you believe and why. In my opinion, this issue is much more about love than politics, but I still want to know your thoughts. Comment here or on FB, or send me a DM. Thanks for taking the adventure with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you make a really good point that true charity or helping the poor comes from the heart.
Perhaps the biggest problem with government endorsed welfare is that it forces charity on others. I do think, however, it is sad that the church seems to have been so ineffective that the government felt a need to step in in this way.
One thing that I read in the Old Testament was the command God gave to His people not to take every little thing they had grown. God wanted some to be left for the needy. It is also interesting that in Middle Eastern culture, hospitality and assistance for your neighbor are very important. I think you make a great point when you talk about our churches being selfish in alot of ways. There's plenty to like aout American culture, but there's a lot that needs to be rejected, especially by the church.
I dont think the government is the best answer to the welfare issue, but I don't know that the whole system should be discarded altogether. Bottom line, if the church is doing its job in this area, government probably wouldnt touch it. Chip